It takes an incredible amount of people to host the Night to Shine and make our guests feel incredibly special. Thank you for taking time to show our honored guests just how much they are loved!!
volunteer registration FOR
Is Now closed!
Here are the ways you can help make each guest feel loved:
AV: Assist with the AV needs of the evening including DJ, karaoke, crowning ceremony, and live streaming event for our virtual guests.
BUDDIES: Accompany and assist assigned guests throughout the evening providing companionship and assistance they may need during the event. *Volunteer must be 18 or over
BUDDY CHECK-IN: Greet guests and their caregivers and assign a buddy to our honored guest to ensure the guest has the best prom experience possible.
COAT CHECK: Assist guests with taking and organizing their coats for the evening. At the completion of the event, retrieve and return coats to guests.
DANCE FLOOR: Welcome guests to the dance floor and offer them water to cool down or a seat to sit and relax by the dance floor.
EMT: Licensed EMT available to provide basic first aid and care for any medical emergencies that may arise. *Not responsible for administering medication or routine medical treatment.
FLOWERS: Assist guests as they choose and place their corsage/boutonniere on their wrist/shirts.
FOOD SERVICE (FOR GUESTS): Serve dinner to the guests. You will be knowledgeable and assist guests with finding foods that meet their dietary needs/restrictions.
GAMES: Assist guests as they play a game in our carnival themed game area. *You will run one of the games available to the guests to enjoy.
GREETERS: Welcome guests and help guide them through the registration process.
GUEST CHECK IN & OUT: Sign in guests, get them their lanyard, and answer any questions they or their caregiver may have about the evening.
HAIR TOUCH-UPS: Greet guests as they enter the glam room and help our guests touch-up their hair. Chat with them while you pamper them and make them feel special.
KARAOKE: Run the karaoke program and assist guests with choosing the best song to sing along to!
LIMOUSINE: Assist the guests while waiting for their limo ride and help them as they enter and exit the limo.
MAKEUP TOUCH-UPS: Greet guests as they enter the glam room and help our guests touch-up their make-up. Chat with them while you pamper them and make them feel special.
RED CARPET/PAPARAZZI: Cheer on guests as they walk the red carpet, making them feel welcome and loved.
RESPITE AREA (GENERAL): Love on the parents/caregivers by spending time getting to know them and pampering them- help them know and find resources available to them in the area.
RESPITE AREA FOOD SERVICE: Assist parents/caregivers with their dinner- both serving and bussing tables.
SENSORY ROOM ATTENDANT: Spend time with guests who may have become over-stimulated during the event. *Experience with sensory rooms is a plus.
SHOESHINE: Help our guests feel like a king/queen shinning their shoes so they can dance the night away! *Shoeshine supplies will be provided.
TABLE BUSSER: Assist guests with their dinner plates and clean tables between guests.
VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN & OUT: Greet volunteers, sign them in, get them their lanyard, and answer any questions they may have about the evening. *Must be able to arrive at event by 3:30
VOLUNTEER ROOM ATTENDANT: Help volunteers relax and enjoy a snack before guests arrive. Assist with bussing tables.
WHATEVER NEEDED: We will assign you to the area of most need- Please indicate in the comments section if there is an area you prefer or prefer NOT to be assigned- you will receive an email with your volunteer assignment by 1/26/24 **Volunteer will be placed as a buddy (this is our largest need) unless they are under 18 or have requested to not be a buddy in the comments section.
Anyone 14 years old and up can help with this event. However, if the volunteer is under the age of 18, they will need to have a parent or guardian sign a permission form and waiver before they can participate and will be under adult supervision. All volunteers will be required to attend a training session, have current required background checks, if you already have current background checks please provide us with a copy by email.
Yes. All volunteers will receive training on guest interactions including, how to recognize and avoid the use of offensive terms and phrases, the development of people first language skills, general tips for communicating, and how to prevent and handle awkward or uncomfortable situations. In addition, specific training will be provided for each of the volunteer positions. Orientation dates and times TBD.
We require current background checks for all volunteers 18 years of age and older. For volunteers under 18 their parents or guardians must sign a permission release form. If you have current background check (completed 9/1/22 or after) please provide us with a copy of it prior to or at the training you will be attending. If you volunteered last year your background check should still be valid. If you have any questions about the background checks please email
Night to Shine is centered on God’s love for people with special needs, ages 14 and over.
Please consider donating $40 to help us pay for a guest's meal...
Or $125 to fund the full cost of hosting a guest.
Any amount you're able is a great help to make Night To Shine an unforgettable evening.
*This is not required to volunteer, but is greatly appreciated.